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立宏安全设备工程(上海)有限公司(LHS),主要承接设备安全系统设计,安装施工,主要为外资企业工厂的设备进行风险评估,安装改造及售后服务 Lihong Safety engineering (Shanghai) Co Ltd (LHS ),mainly undertake safety system design, installation ; and can help those enterprises to do risk assessment, safety alternation and after-sale service. 我们有最高端的全系列安全产品(如机器人等自动化项目设计及项目服务),同时提供最基础的防护罩系列(如车床,钻床,铣床等) We have the superior safety products (such as automatic project design& service for robot) ,at the same time we can supply basic protection cover( for example: lathe ,drilling machine ,milling machine) 集设计,项目管理,施工安装于一体的立宏安全工程,目前承接了上海汽车机器人测量系统,三坐标,自动焊接等汽车工厂项目的新建 Combine designing, project management with installation ,Lihong (safety) currently undertake the project of measure system, three coordinates, automatic welding for Shanghai automotive industry cooperation. ;立宏安全同时提供外资企业工厂设备的二次改造,达到欧美安全标准 Lihong (safety) can also supply the second alternation for foreign-founded enterprises and factories, which reaches European safety standard. 你还可以:直接进入立宏安全电子商务平台,在平台上直接查看库存及下单,方便你即时找到想要的产品确保你的交期 You can also: Enter into our EC platform directly ,checking our stock and place order ,which are convenient for you to find the products you need and guarantee your delivery time 交钥匙的服务工程让你无后顾之忧 The turnkey Service makes you worry-free.
招聘职位 查看更多
  • 公司性质:中外合资
  • 所属行业:自动化
  • 所在地区:上海-浦东新区
  • 地址:上海市浦东新区浦电路489号由由燕乔大厦5楼516室
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